
Kenna - New Sacred Cow
This is one of those sleeper albums. You know, one that gets overlooked by the masses yet contained great potential to hit it big and strike the interest of many people spanning many genres. The main comparisson when talking about Kenna is Depeche Mode, which would explain why I dig this album so much, being an avid DM fan myself. I would have to agree with the comparisson, though there is much more going on here than just big beat new wave. Back in my stoner days this was the soundtrack to many a bowl cruise as well as to many parties over at the Missouri Laurel house which I suppose is a testament as to how versatile an album this is. I uploaded four tracks for download here because I couldn't settle on just two or three. The whole album is solid. Happiness is being numb. Dig it.

+ Man Fading
+ Vexed And Glorious
+ I'm Gone
+ Love / Hate Sensation

+ Jesse

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for giving credit where credit is due. keep it up homies.