
Belles Of Skin City - You Do The Company Proud

Wow, we've really been slacking on this kind of stuff lately. Hope you have been occupying your time with other equally important bullshit. We have. Drinking too much, contracting numerous STD's, and watching Sex In The City re-runs on TBS as often as possible. Good fucking times. Speaking of GFTs (good fucking times) the Belles CD release show last month was a knee spanking blast. Like that segue? Pure literary genius I tell 'ya. Download these tracks, listen to them more than once for it may take multiple listens until the groove digs its way under your skin. You will then be humming these tunes at work, or while you are driving to your dentist, annoying co workers and your loved ones alike. If you feel so inclined (and you should) buy the album. If you live in the cities I am sure you already know where to purchase it, if you don't check out the Totally Gross National Product's official website. You can also buy other fantastic local albums while you are there such as a live EP by Ryan Olcott's (12 Rods) new band Mystery Palace. Get to it.

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